image bien-être

Find the package that suits your desires, your budget and your availability thanks to our different formulas.

Studio pricing

Classes offered: Yoga, pilates, stretching, cardio & renfo
Care offered: Osteopathy and traditional Chinese care & Chi Nei Tsang


1 trial session

To get back in shape or just breath.

Reservations only at the reception of your Studio.
20/ session
180/ 10 session
340/ 20 session
480/ 30 session


1 to 30 sessions

The cards are valid for an unlimited period of time and in all Arkose Studios.
They are strictly personal.

85/ month
900the year


Infinity elevated

Climbing and 3 yoga lessons/week in each of our lofts. And many privileges with Arkose every month. You will no longer be able to say you are not flexible enough !

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3 yoga lessons,
pilates / week

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2 sessions / month
for your relatives

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10% in our bars
& canteens

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- 10% about the shops,
suit up !

Pay in one go and save two months.
OR choose the monthly payment without commitment.

Reservations for trial classes can only be made at the reception desk in your Arkose loft. Cards are valid indefinitely at all Arkose Studios. Cards are strictly nominative.

Planning de réservation

image puce
Indisponible / Terminé
Bon à savoir
    • Activities are open to all, at all levels..
    • Reservations are required. They open 15 days before the course.
    • You can cancel your reservation up to 24 hours before the start of the course..
    • Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the activity.
Règles d’hygiène
    • We invite you to bring your own mat or mat cover.
    • If you don't have one, we invite you to disinfect the mats provided at the end of the class.
    • Disinfectant&hydro-alcoholic gel will be available.
    • For cardio and renfo classes, don't forget your sneakers (mandatory) and towel.

Treat yourself with our gift cards

Give the gift of a lesson, an introduction to climbing or sponsor a loved one with our gift cards!.
I offer a gift card
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